Mini-Bridge Open Day

Sunday, 26 March 2017 by Andrew Brodie

The Bridge Club is holding is first ever Mini-Bridge Open Day!

Mini-Bridge is a simplified form of Bridge.  If you enjoy playing 500, hearts or euchre, you can immediately play Mini-Bridge. This Article may be of interest.

Where: Palmerston North Bridge Club, cnr Cook and Cuba Sts.

When: Sunday 23 April, 2 pm - 4 pm.

Format: Friendly competition with like minded others. Bring the kids/grandkids. Come by yourself or bring a friend. No cost.

To Register: Web:\lessons and use “Register Now”; or

Email: with Mini-Bridge in the subject line: or

Just turn up.

The Club also holds BRIDGE BEGINNERS LESSONS starting Monday 1 May, 7pm - 9pm. Check out our website:\lessons for further information.