Playing Session Review

Monday, 19 June 2017 by Lorraine Stachurski

The Sessions Subcommittee is commencing a review of some sessions for the 2018 year.  Anyone with views on any session should notify the sessions subcommittee (GraemeT, AndrewJ, HansV, MorganB) or send an email to the Club (  There is a particular focus on two sessions, Tuesday Open and Friday Ungraded.  These two sessions have had declining number of tables, Tuesday down to 4 tables and Friday down to 5 tables. 


In 2017 Tuesday was reformatted to have fewer, but higher quality, events.  This doesn’t seem to have made any difference to the on-going decline.  We are most interested in discussion of how to reformat Tuesday for trialling in 2018 to see if we can give players a better/enjoyable/more meaningful, experience on that night.  Suggestions will be collated and an interest group established to debate what to do for 2018.  Please make all suggestions by 4 July.


For Friday Ungraded an issue that is often debated is how to get more people playing twice a week.  Maybe it is not possible, but equally we need to see if there is a reason why Monday Ungraded is in great health and Friday Ungraded isn’t.  One reason put forward is the differing start times.  Friday’s 10.30am start time has its origins in young mums wanting something to do after dropping kids off to school and before picking them up afterwards.  That reason no longer seems relevant!  A questionnaire has been developed (thanks KenB for the initial work) to see if there is sufficient numbers to warrant a change in start time.  This questionnaire is available in the Clubrooms and can be downloaded here  .  Please respond by 4 July.


Monday Ungraded is in great health, however it is important to try to keep optimising the product offering.  At the moment it is just a series of monthly events.  One suggestion has been to make one of the months in 2018  a “Blue Rinse Champs”.  Any thoughts on this, or any other suggestions, are welcome, as are suggestions for any session not mentioned above.


Graeme Thomson